Articles Posted by the Author

  • The Bourne Legacy

    Rarely has a film with so much hype failed so horribly to deliver. Director Tony Gilroy seems to think he could get away with remaking the first Bourne, except without the amnesia. Or the excitement, characters, wit, joy, love interest, narrative, decent plot or action sequences. The fourth film, with its ‘wider conspiracy’ and all those ‘rewards for paying attention’ we were promised, is entirely uninspiring and utterly soulless.

  • Friday Drinking Game #54 – Bourneathlon

    So guess what comes out on Monday? It’s only the bloody Bourne Legacy! Smash smash punch punch ride that motorbike keep squealing Rachel Weisz – Gosh we’re excited. So excited we’re going to spend this evening in the throes of a Bourneathlon. Writer Tony Gilroy says of the upcoming ‘wider conspiracy’ film that “everyone who got into [the first three] will be rewarded for paying attention”. Sounds like a challenge, no point going on Monday unless you’ve watched all three back to back and given your attention span/liver a real work out.