Competition ends 13 June 2011

Wolf Larsen (Sebastian Koch) is the tyrannical Captain of the notorious seal hunting vessel, the Sea Wolf. While on the high seas, he takes on castaway Humphrey Van Wyden (Stephen Campbell Moore). But instead of abandoning him at the next harbour, Wolf puts the mild mannered literary critic to work and rules over him with an unyielding iron fist.

Much to Wolf’s surprise, the graft transforms Van Wyden into a hardened adversary – every bit as formidable as Wolf himself. But it’s not until the appearance of Wolf brother, Death (Tim Roth), and Maud (Neve Campbell), the daughter of a rival ship owner that the dynamic truly explodes into life, leaving three men to war over love, duty, life and death.

Inspired by the Jack London classic, Sea Wolf is a high-seas adventure and psychological thriller that will stir, inspire, and excite its fans like never before.

Certificate: 15
Region: 2

Answer this simple question to enter…

In this film, what is the Sea Wolf?

1. A vicious thing made out of water and salt
2. The sworn enemy of the Desert Swan
3. A seal hunting vessel


Simply email your answer to [email protected]

Please include your NAME and ADDRESS – otherwise we can’t send you your prize.

Please put SEA WOLF in the subject title.

NOTE: To enter the competition, please send an email. You do not need to put the answer as a comment. Good luck!

Can’t wait? Buy this title in the Best For Film DVD & Blu-Ray Shop now!

Featured on The Prize Finder – UK Competitions, Loquax Competitions

Competition ends 13 June 2011

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