The Devil’s Double premieres in Leicester Square

Last night marked the UK premiere of sort-of biopic The Devil’s Double; the flick that follows the tale of Uday Hussein, as well as the man forced to take on his identity – Latif Yahia. You may already know that we thought the film was great, and now we’ve got some footage of other people agreeing. But girls in bikinis also feature. Hurrah!

Featuring snippets of interviews with star Dominic Cooper, co-star Ludavine Sagnier, writer Michael Thomas and Latif Yahia himself, it’s well worth a cheeky look:

Essentially a high-adrenaline, 80s-tastic romp through a deeply horrendous period in history, The Devil’s Double just about gets away with being as brazen as it is. Read our review here if you’re fussed, and go watch it as of the 10th August.

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