X-Men: Days of Future Past gets a trailer

Hold up, hold up, hold the phone; there’s a shiny new trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past and it looks (it looks) bloody brilliant, actually. We don’t want to get our hopes too buoyant; after all, it’s been a full decade since there’s been a decent X-Men film BUT that was directed by Bryan Singer and HE’S BACK, MOTHER FLIPPERS, BRYAN SINGER’S BACK. And from the look of things he’s back with a vengeance.

Days of Future Past is a super popular X-Men storyline, in which a spandex-wearing mutant living in a dystopian future goes back in time to persuade the spandex-wearing mutants of the past not to do whatever they do that causes the dystopian future. Just look at it; it features, like, three of our favourite tropes!

The trailer is all grim desperation and atmospheric music; it’s vast and portentous but somehow retains some tidbit of the 1992 cartoon series’ take on the time travelling mutants. Which we loved, by the way, when we were children. Fine, when we were adults.

All the new crew are back, as well as the old, since they’ve had not much to do in the mean time. Halle Berry has a punk-ass haircut, and Anna Paquin looks as full of ennui as ever. Logan seems to be centre stage, which is odd since Hugh Jackman has said he wants to give up the role – maybe this is a last hurrah for the Wolverine. There are a lot of moody close ups of a lot of different mutants, which is mildly concerning, since over-population is a known killer of X-Men films. All in all, though, we’re sitting somewhere between ‘optimistic’ and ‘in a full blown tizzy of excitement and speculation’.

Time travelling stories are excellent for getting rid of inconvenient events; since we’re going right back to before the events of the very first film, does that mean all that backstory will be rewritten? PLEASE YES, IT WILL BE LIKE THE LAST STAND NEVER HAPPENED.

What do you make of the Days of Future Past trailer? Let us know below!

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