Articles Posted in the " Billy Crystal " Category

  • Tooth Fairy

    What happens if you’re a minor league hockey player who’s had his dreams dashed one too many times? Julie Andrews will turn you into a tooth fairy, that’s what. For two weeks, Dwayne “Tooth Fairy” (sorry, “The Rock”) Johnson has to turn good guy and teach positivity sprinkled with fairy dust to a troubled family. This lightweight comedy is strictly for the kids, but you know what? Don’t be a hater, yo. The kids are alright.

  • Five Feel-Good Blue Monday Pick-Me-Ups

    The last Monday in January is officially recognised as the most depressing day of the year. This year, the day psychologists have nicknamed “Blue Monday” falls on January 25th, which unfortunately is shuffling ever closer. There’s only one thing to do – take to the sofa with a carton of Ben and Jerry’s and some good old-fashioned escapism. Here we present you with the best fictional film characters to live vicariously through when the fateful day arrives.