Articles Posted in the " Bourne " Category

  • Friday Drinking Game #54 – Bourneathlon

    So guess what comes out on Monday? It’s only the bloody Bourne Legacy! Smash smash punch punch ride that motorbike keep squealing Rachel Weisz – Gosh we’re excited. So excited we’re going to spend this evening in the throes of a Bourneathlon. Writer Tony Gilroy says of the upcoming ‘wider conspiracy’ film that “everyone who got into [the first three] will be rewarded for paying attention”. Sounds like a challenge, no point going on Monday unless you’ve watched all three back to back and given your attention span/liver a real work out.

  • Why we heart Ben Affleck

    BFF: defenders of the weak, trumpeters of the down-trodden, makers of wild, unsubstantiated claims and lovers of Ben Affleck. That’s right. It’s a heady mix.

  • The Bourne Legacy has no Bourne

    Last week we reported that Bourne writer Tony Gilroy had taken on the directing position for the fourth Bourne film; The Bourne Legacy. The question was, was Matt Damon going to get involved? We can confirm today that big man Bourne will NOT feature in the new film (what?!), and so Matt Damon is out on his ear.

  • Fourth Bourne film gets a director

    Much like The Sugababes (we start most news stories with that statement), it could be that the final Bourne product ends up looks absolutely nothing like its first incarnation. We’ve heard today that writer Tony Gilroy has taken over from Paul Greengrass as the director of Bourne: Legacy, and there’s no Matt Damon confirmation in sight. Lordy.