Articles Posted in the " E.T " Category

  • Top 10 sequels we never want to see

    With the news that Arnie’s Terminator just won’t die, we’re looking at our DVD collection to see which of our favourite movies we just want gosh darned left alone. There aren’t many left now; Star Wars is lost, Die Hard’s been beaten into the ground… there are even rumours of a Roger Rabbit sequel in the works, because apparently just nothing is sacred. So here are the top 10 sequels we hope never happen.

  • A tribute to Minority Report

    Do you know what the world doesn’t have enough of? Passionate love letters to eleven-year-old sci-fi films, that’s what! Long-term BFFer Harry Harris sent us this blog at half one in the morning, which probably means he wrote it drunk – still, when you’re talking about the finest film to ever star Tom Cruise and some futuristic mittens there’s no other way to work. We present his very personal tribute to Minority Report.

  • Top 10 Aliens

    Dark Skies tells the story of a run-of-the-mill suburban American family with run-of-the-mill suburban American family problems – like having to share their home with a bunch of aliens. And, as if things weren’t bad enough, these are some of the MOST RUBBISH, CLICHED ALIENS EVER. Don’t believe us? Give it a watch and compare them to the Best For Film’s Top Ten Best Aliens and see for yourself.

  • Top 10 video games that should become movies

    Why aren’t films of video games ever good? Because the boys in the back room are adapting the wrong goshdarned games, that’s why! We’ve consumed eighty-six thousand Doritos and worn out nine pairs of tracksuit bottoms doing the research for this list: the definitive top 10 games that must be brought to the silver screen.

  • Top 10 Sci-Fi Loners

    With Jake Gyllenhaal shoved in a holding cell all on his lonesome for a fair part of Source Code, sci-fi movies continue to love a loner. Let’s look at the those who believe that, unless they’re safely in another galaxy, other people can be just a little bit clingy.

  • Planet 51

    This seems to be the season for films with just one good idea. Last week The Box stunned us with it’s complete failure to follow through on an interesting premise,..