Articles Posted in the " Grave of the fireflies " Category

  • Top 10 Most Depressing Films EVER Made

    Perfect Sense. Melancholia. Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close. They’ve all got one thing in common; they’re all hitting the silver screen in the near future and they’re all going to be completely and utterly soul destroying. Keeping this chic bleakness in mind, we’re decided to check out the 10 most depressing films ever made…

  • Bah Humbug! Films in need of some Christmas cheer.

    Some movies are just plain miserable. Presenting bleak and morbid subject matter, these films delight in depressing. This is all very unseasonal, and here are our suggestions of how to bring some festive fun back to the most upsetting movies we have seen. Although some (not many!) of these have happy endings, they are still a pretty tough ride…

  • Ponyo

    Ponyo is a visually arresting addition to Miyazaki’s impressive portfolio. The opening underwater sequences take the breath away with hundreds of jellyfish, crustaceans and schools of fish swarming across the screen in a dazzling display of colour. However, Ghibli’s work is usually distinguished by its attention to the emotions of the characters and here, this charming escapade doesn’t quite stay afloat. The makers seem a little too preoccupied with hitting home (over and over again) its central eco-friendly message, and this somewhat hampers the natural flow of the plot.