Articles Posted in the " Melancholia " Category

  • The Top 5 Films That Aren’t As Clever As We Think They Are

    We all like to think there are films out there that can completely alter our world view, and hey, every now and then we bloomin well find one. A film that dazzles is one thing, but a film that changes your entire perception – they are perhaps fewer and farther between than Hollywood history would have us believe. Introducing films and filmmakers labelled as making ground-breakingly intelligent cinema and why it could be that they aren’t as clever as we’d like to believe…

  • Another Earth

    Another Earth is an interesting, confidently-executed film which attempts to deal with the big questions. It succeeds where it touches on authentic human emotion and relationships, but falls down where it tries to be all big and fancy. It does have a pretty cool end shot, though.

  • Top 10 Horse Cameos in Films

    To date we’ve have over 500,000 complaints from people frustrated by the lack of horses featured on our website. So in tenuous honour of Steven Spielberg’s upcoming horsefest War Horse, BFF and our trusty equine assistant Mr Jingles bring you the Top 10 Horse Moments in Films Not Specifically About Horses. Or, in other words, the Top 10 Horse Cameos.