Articles Posted in the " Silent House " Category

  • Silent House

    Do you remember that bit in The Woman in Black where Daniel Radcliffe inches his way along a darkened corridor, holding onto an axe and kerosene light for dearest life? Well, Silent House is that scene, only spliced to a hundred more like it. Whether you have seen the original film or not, this is one of the most effective frighteners you will see this year, elevated by a fantastic central performance and a gimmick that essentially serves the traditional found footage format its marching orders. It’s just a shame about the ending.

  • This week’s releases: the trailers

    Wahey! Bank holiday! A whole extra day off, it’s like you never have to go back to work again, isn’t it? But you will. It’s happening, and if anything, it will be worse than anything you can possibly imagine. So why try and engage your brain just yet? This week’s releases in lovely trailer format – wrap that poor mind of yours around some soothing flashy noise.