Articles Posted in the " The Day After Tomorrow " Category

  • Top 10 storms in film

    The UK has just been hit by the world’s least impressive storm, and it’s got us thinking about some tempests that actually delivered on their promises. And, obviously, they’re all in films – why is real life never as good?

  • Top 10 Reasons Why Joss Whedon Is The Best

    Remember how good Buffy was? And Firefly and Serenity? And Angel? And Firefly? DO YOU REMEMBER? DO YOU? Here at BFF we remember because, much like elephants well-versed in the art of watching films and TV shows and writing nonsense about them, WE NEVER FORGET ABOUT THOSE FILMS AND TV SHOWS. To cut a long story very short (because we’re all wetting ourselves over the release of Cabin in the Woods and need to get to the toilet pronto) we bring you a Top Ten list that would make even Terrence Malick quake in his hermit boots. So here, take these words and read them knowing there’s no way you will ever be as good a person as Joss Whedon. Oh, and, we should probably say….SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS.

  • The Top 10 Film Plots That Came True

    It’s Christmas time. Sure, it’s the 31st, but TECHNICALLY we’re all still firmly in the 12 Days Of Christmas spirit of things. And you know what happens at Christmas? Miracles. To celebrate all things miraculous, Best For Film will be looking into one of the most awesome of all phenomena; life that imitates film. Here are the Top 10 Film Plots That Came True…

  • From Hollywood to Holyrood – Scotland in film

    While Scotland has a relatively extensive cinematic history, from movies about Nessie to The Stone Of Destiny, it also has a tendency to crop up in less expected places. Should you ever plan to visit our highlands and lochs, we wouldn’t want you taking Hollywood’s word and expecting a populace of alcoholic gingers, nor any of the following. As such, we celebrate Burns Night with eight of the most random Scottish cameos in cinema history.

  • Snow: A Filmography

    Snovember? Don’t make me laugh! We put things in perspective with the help of Hollywood and disaster master Roland Emmerich. Yes the Metropolitan Line’s suffering slight delays but it’ll all melt eventually, right? Right?!

  • Watch the Skies: ID4 to Return

    Consummate landscape smasher Roland Emmerich isn’t happy, or so it seems, with killing us all off with global warming, Godzilla or Mayan predictive chicanery. No. He wants us to suffer more and more pain, to constantly jack up the glitzy blitz of our apocalypses, trumping our destruction each time with yet another continent-melting conceit. You might even begin to think he’s some sort of sadist. This, to be honest, would explain his palpable delight in noisily offing humanity every other film.