Competition ends 06 May 2011

“A hugely impressive disaster-come-road movie that conveys almost Spielbergian promise” – Sunday Express

Following its hugely successful theatrical release that saw it earning Five Star reviews in Empire (“a sci-fi picture which never loses sight of the human factor… an amazing achievement”), Total Film (“the most audacious debut since ‘The Blair Witch Project’”), the Financial Times (“a lollapalooza… so edgy it hardly needs monsters… a masterpiece of high-amp anxiety”), the Daily Express (“an intelligent, inventive film… highly recommended”) and the Sunday Mirror (“a road trip blending romance with sci-fi thrills”), the critically acclaimed Monsters comes to DVD and Blu-ray on 11th April 2011 courtesy of Vertigo Films.

Monsters was written, shot and directed by Emmy nominated and BAFTA award winning CGI animator Gareth Edwards (Perfect Disasters; Hiroshima), who, for his debut feature, “wanted to make a love story that didn’t make him cringe, as well as a sci-fi movie where the premise wasn’t totally unbelievable.”

Soon after a NASA probe sent to collect samples from Jupiter’s moon, Europa, crash-landed in Central America, strange new life forms began to appear in the area forcing half of Mexico to be quarantined as an infected zone. Six years later, US and Mexican military forces are struggling to contain the fully-grown alien creatures and to control their seasonal migration within the zone.

In the midst of the chaos is photojournalist Andrew Kaulder (McNairy), hoping to get at least one ‘money shot’ of them in action. But when his publisher’s vacationing daughter Sam (Able) is stranded in the area, Kaulder is charged with guaranteeing her secure passage through Mexico to the safety of the US border.

Monsters (cert. 12) will be released on DVD (£17.99) and Blu-ray (£19.99) by Vertigo Films on 11th April 2011. Special Features include: audio commentary by Gareth Edwards, Scoot McNairy and Whitney Able; Behind the Scenes featurette; Editing Monsters featurette; Monsters VFX featurette; “Factory Farmed” – short film by Gareth Edwards.

Answer this simple question to enter…

If you win, which Monsters format would you prefer?

1. DVD
2. Blu-Ray


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NOTE: To enter the competition, please send an email. You do not need to put the answer as a comment. Good luck!

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Competition ends 06 May 2011

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