Blurred Lines model joins Gone Girl

Emily Ratajkowski, the model known for virtually nothing except letting Robin Thicke slobber all over her in the video for Blurred Lines, is reportedly on the verge of securing her first major film role.
Ratajkowski (the J is silent, apparently) is in talks to appear in Gone Girl, David Fincher’s upcoming adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s suspense novel of the same name.
The film already stars Ben Affleck as Nick Dunne and Rosamund Pike as his wife Amy, who disappears in mysterious circumstances. Nick is implicated in her disappearance by, among other people, the college student with whom he’s been having an affair – this is Ratajkowski’s role. Neil Patrick Harris (yay!) and Tyler Perry (sigh) are also due to appear in supporting roles, but since we didn’t actually read the book that’s sort of all we know.
Is this depressing news? Ratajkowski might turn out to be brilliant for all we know, but we can’t shake the suspicion that she’s been picked because she’s going to look cracking whilst being schtupped by Affleck. Gone Girl isn’t due on our screens until 2015, so at least she’s got time for some lessons…
Oh, and since we’ve mentioned Blurred Lines (spit spit), it’s now the law that we need to include this video as balance. Maybe Fincher could cast the Law Revue girls too? They’re actually talented.
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