Johansson, Witherspoon, Chastain, Seyfried front-runners for Hillary Clinton biopic

Word on the street is, James Ponsoldt’s upcoming biopic of Hillary Clinton – entitled Rodham – is close to securing a lead actress. Apparently, the four front-runners are now Scarlett Johansson, Reese Witherspoon, Jessica Chastain and Amanda Seyfried. WHAT A SURPRISE. THEY’RE ALL VERY VERY ATTRACTIVE. Obviously, looks-wise, none of these ladies particularly resemble Hillary. Seyfried has a round face and sort of the right hair so for that reason OUR MONEY’S ON HER!
The film will focus on Clinton’s early years, when she was working as a lawyer in Washington at the height of the Watergate scandal. It will also, presumably, cover her relationship with hubby Bill, whom she met and began dating in 1971.
Ponsoldt – who has so far made a name for himself directing indie comedies Smashed and The Spectacular Now – is reportedly delighted with the bevy of lovely ladies vying for the role. Strangely enough, despite his indie roots, he doesn’t seem too bothered about casting a classically beautiful starlet in the role of Clinton. We wonder if, left to his own devices, he might have gone with someone a little more convincing. Alison Pill anyone? You know that would work.
Perhaps what we’re most concerned/excited about is the inevitable porn parody which will come off the back of this (NO PUN INTENDED). You simply can’t call a film Rodham and not expect the porn world to respond. They have a social responsibility to respond, James Ponsoldt. ROD. HAM.
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