Ryan Gosling is battered and bruised in new Only God Forgives pics

yes, fine, we’ve already had a look at Ryan Gosling’s finest Beaten To A Pulp Face, but you know what? That’s a kind of Ryan Gosling face. And if the internet has taught us anything, it’s that you can never have too much Ryan Gosling face. Four more pictures from Only God Forgives! He’s so very punched in the face.
So, it’s the second Nicolas Winding Refn/Ryan Gosling project (the first being, of course, last year’s Drive) and this one has added KRISTIN SCOTT THOMAS, which is only ever a brilliant thing. The story follows Gosling’s ex-cop killer, who has been exiled to Thailand and is now making his money as a drug-dealer whilst fronting as a boxing club owner. Well, not so much fronting, as genuinely being hit in the face all the time, apparently.
Scott Thomas is playing Gosling’s mother, who appeals to Gosling to EXACT REVENGE when they discover that he brother has been murdered. Oh dear, doesn’t it look like our Ryan’s been through enough? Only God Forgives isn’t going to be with us till early next year, so there’s plenty more bits of Gosling’s mangled body we can stare at hungrily…
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