Ryan Reynolds leaves Highlander reboot project

Ryan Reynolds (abs abs abs) has left the proposed Highlander reboot. This follows the news from last year that director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo jumped ship from the long-languishing project. Although we’re Ryan Reynolds fans (sort of…) here at BFF, we can’t help feel a little relieved at the news: Ryan Reynolds would have been a bad fit in the world of claymores and mystical immortal Scottish guys and one scary-ass Clancy Brown.
Ryan Reynolds calling it quits may actually help Summit find a new director, one who can bring his own lead actor into the role of Connor McLeod. Christopher Lambert has set a high standard to follow, and you need someone who can stand toe-to-toe with him. Ryan Reynolds is just a little too clean-cut for the role. You need someone gritty, someone fierce, someone who could pull off a Scottish accent without looking like a dick – sorry Ryan Reynolds, you score 0/3.
How about an actual Scottish actor? We’re just putting it out there. Maybe Gerard Butler? He’s got the physicality, and that psychotic look in his eye needed to convey the Quickening. Quite frankly we’d prefer there to be no reboot at all. Let’s all fondly remember the original Highlander with the scene in which the unmistakably Scottish Sean Connery claims that he’s Egyptian.
“Haggis…? What is haggis?”
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