The Amazing Spider-Man 2’s Rhino revealed

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 seems to be chugging along nicely, and most-aptly-named-director-in-history Marc Webb has recently tweeted a couple of photos of Paul Giamatti as Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich, aka The Rhino. Although he’s not in his full Rhino outfit yet (that would just be silly), Paul Giamatti is looking distinctly angry and sleazy as he prepares to face off against The Amazing Spider-Man. He looks distinctly under-washed.
Take a gander at Paul Giamatti dressed as Niko Bellic from Grand Theft Auto 4 on set for The Amazing Spider-Man 2:
BAM. Bad tattoos + cheap tracksuit + angry face = Russian Rhino, apparently. Let’s hope he doesn’t get carried away during filming and gore Andrew Garfield. Actually, that would guarantee The Amazing Spider-Man 2 getting 5 stars from us at Best For Film.
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