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  • Hall Pass

    The wives of two sex-obsessed men get so fed up with their husbands leering at other women that they give them a hall pass – a week off marriage to..

  • Potiche

    Potiche is the French word for a vase or ornament of superficial beauty and little real value. Idiomatically, it refers to a trophy wife – a pretty, inoffensive girl who’ll sit on her shelf and not cause any trouble. Mischievous satirical prankster François Ozon directs the magnificent Catherine Deneuve in a hilarious and savvy tale of one trophy wife who simply won’t stay in the cabinet.

  • City Island

    City Island, home to the Rizzo family, is part of the Bronx; a small spit of land jutting out into Long Island Sound. Garcia’s character Vince Rizzo lets us in..

  • Ballast

    The debut movie from director of Lance Hammer won both the Directing and Cinematogrpahy Awards at the Sundance Film Festival in 2008 – and there’s a reason. Beautiful direction and brilliant performances from its three lead actors (all amateur) ensure a film of smouldering beauty, centring on an estranged Mississippi family racked with grief.

  • Top 10 (pseudo) porn flicks about actual porn

    Once upon a time there was porn – good, ole’ fashioned, plotless porn that seemed destined to forever roam the private nether-regions of the entertainment industry alone. But smut desperately desired to be taken seriously, and Hollywood needed a harder…edge. It took one dexterous stroke of genius to bring the two concepts to simultaneous, mainstream fruition, and it wasn’t Sheen the Machine, nor was it one night misspent in Paris, but instead the reflexively novel idea of making films about (porno) films…

  • Short Film Of The Week: Unfinished London

    It’s not often you find a documentary that’s simultaneously fascinating, hilarious and downright road-based. This week, we present Jay Foreman and Paul Kendler’s creation: Unfinished London. Hiding actual learnings in proper good comedy – this is the future of education (we hope)