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  • Jack Falls

    Jack Falls opens in Amsterdam with the attempted assassination of a man by a sniper’s rifle. This unlucky guy is the titular Jack Adleth (Simon Phillips), who, despite being technically..

  • Legacy: Black Ops

    When future alien archaeologists dig up the remains of our culture, they’ll find coke cans, packets of exotically and confusingly-flavoured condoms, and many decades’ worth of brutality-based dramas. Who know what they’ll make of Legacy: Black Ops. Perhaps it depends if they’ve seen every single psychological thriller, every single film about espionage and corruption, and every single film about a single, complicated man who people just can’t seem to understand.

  • Short Film of the Week: North West Five

    North West Five, is currently going to be screened at the Screentest Film Festival in London this month, and at the No Limits Film Festival in Sheffield next month, where it is nominated for Best Film and Best Cinematography. We get a sneek peak and quiz the director!

  • Monday Mash-Up!

    Do you know what would happen if we stopped producing a sweet dose of mash-up for you every Monday? Neither do we, but now we’ve started we’re afraid to stop in case some properly biblical shit goes down. This is probably how the Aztecs ended up ripping out the beating hearts of hundreds of their enemies every day – they weren’t sure it would appease Quetzlcoatl, the feathered serpent god, but they didn’t know what else it might be doing.

  • Friday Face/Off: Period films

    Friday has rolled around once again (legitimate booze time, yay!) which means it’s time for a Friday Face/Off. The meat thrown into the tiger pit today for our two eager writers to wrestle over is the contentious Period Drama genre. Do you adore Austen and go ecstatic for Eliot? Or does Pride and Prejudice make you want to punch Lizzie and the Bennets to the back of the 18th century? Well, decide what you will; this is what our scribes have to say…

  • 24 Hour Marathon… of Terror

    If you love horror films and you have at least twenty-four hours to live, then there is absolutely nothing you should be doing more than reading (and subsequently adhering to) this itinerary. How else are you going to know what to watch at six thirty in the morning when you’ve just watched a zombie baby rip someone’s head open?