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  • Rango

    If you thought that feathered mariachi bands, chameleons facing Hamlet-esque existential crises, and Pirates of the Caribbean were, in and of themselves, essentially ridiculous, farcical concepts, you’d be absolutely right. Now throw these entirely unrelated absurdities together to create one great, big, superlative mash-up of ridiculousness, and you get Rango.

    And for some equally and befittingly bizarre reason, it works.

  • Interview! We talk to model and latter-day film star Keeley Hazell

    Full disclosure – we may have been a bit snide when we heard about veteran Page 3 girl Keeley Hazell’s first starring role (as herself) in short film Venus and the Sun. Quite snide, in fact. Well, if you want to see a contrite film site then this is the place to look – we met up with her for a chat about legends, Latin and learning a brand new trade, and it was simply lovely.

  • Bedways

    RP Kahl’s Bedways promises to explore themes of love, sex, bodies and cinema itself. Some might consider this a tall ask for a 76 minute porno. They’d be right.

  • Top 10 awful things film posters do to the English language

    In many ways, film posters exist outside the tightly wrought bonds of grammar and punctuation. As stepping stones to another higher, inherently visual medium they do not have to conform to the petty linguistic scrabblings that the rest of us mere mortals cut our gums over. They can damn well do whatever they please; whatever it takes to get across their meaning. Except, of course, they obviously can’t. Obviously.

  • Taxi Zum Klo

    Taxi Zum Klo, which translates as ‘Taxi to the Toilet’, is directed by, written by and stars Frank Ripploh as Frank Ripploh, a teacher with a very active gay sex..