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  • Archipelago

    Summoned to a remote cottage by relatives, a young man is preparing to leave to do volunteer charity work in Africa. But is this really what he or his family want? In a superlative British drama Joanna Hogg examines a family suffering a crisis of communication.

  • The Adjustment Bureau

    This time it’s George Nolfi’s turn to adapt a Philip K. Dick story as Matt Damon is pursued by the ‘fate police’ through many, many doors.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #10

    BOGOF cinema ticket offer lovers, this is your moment! It’s Wednesday, as tends to be the case at this point in the week, but the Best For Film ranks have been swelled almost to bursting point by a merrily capering band of brand new shiny writers. You might hate them all, of course, but it doesn’t seem likely and anyway, Papa ‘Man of the People’ Neish is back. Huzzah!