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  • I Spit On Your Grave

    This update on the original ‘video nasty’ ups the ante not only on its predecessor, but on the entire torture porn genre. Low on chills and high on squirm-inducing “thrills”, it trades on the original’s notoriety while outstripping it on production values, acting and gore. If you go down to the woods today you may not be in for a big surprise… but take some nausea tablets just in case.

  • Top Ten Dances in Movie History

    Whether it be Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace breaking it down 1950s style in Pulp Fiction, or Harry and Hermione’s awkward pas de deux in those Potter films, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten dances in movie history. Let their mistakes be your guide to what and what not to do this Friday night down the club.

  • Interview: Zebra Crossing

    Zebra Crossing is an independent British film about the harder side of South London life, that’s been sweeping up Independent Film Awards like it’s going out of fashion. When Best For Film were invited along to interview Sam Holland and Lee Turnball, the director and lead actor of the upcoming, we feared they might be a tough nut to crack. Turns out they were lovely…