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  • Dog Pound

    Dog Pound details the lives of Davis, Angel and Butch as they try unsuccessfully to stay out of trouble in a Montana detention facility. Director Kim Shapiron addresses gang violence, corrupt prison guards and rape in this brutal drama, which contains haunting moments in spite of the ubiquitous nature of the genre.

  • The Next Three Days

    Russell Crowe uses the thin veil of circumstance to justify stomping about, shouting in various coats and getting all emotion-chinned in the utterly mad The Next Three Days. According to the posters, it co-stars Liam Neeson. He’s in one scene. Rats, sinking ship, anyone?

  • What The Hobbit can learn from Star Wars

    How to stop The Lord of the Rings prequels (aka The Hobbit parts One and Two) ending up as vastly mind numbingly awful as the Star Wars prequels, with a little help from George Lucas. Peter Jackson be warned- dwarfs, spaceships and politics just do not mix!

  • Video Games made into Movies

    We can all think of a video game that somehow, beyond all sense and rationality, made it from the little screen to the big, and we usually wince when we recall them. The list of films based on video games is arguably one of the most excruciating compilations of film fails. So why do people keep on trying? And why do they always suck?

  • GasLand

    Following hard on the heels of sensational exposés including An Inconvenient Truth and End of the Line, GasLand seeks to turn a harsh spotlight on yet more outrageous behaviour by arrogant US energy corporations. Whether it quite manages to be the call to arms it aspires towards is another matter.

  • The Reef

    The Reef is a masterful, engaging and ultimately harrowing survival thriller billed as ‘the scariest shark movie since Jaws’. Two thumbs up from Best For Film!