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  • Cheat Sheet: Danny Boyle

    Hurrah for knowledge-based lies! Beginning today, we’ll be giving you a weekly low-down on a cinematic figure you really should know your way around. After all, not only does epic film know-how make you a better person, but it improves your blood-pressure, freshens your clothes and makes you irresistible to foxy humans of your preferred gender. This week: Danny Boyle.

  • Top 10 Worst Movie Posters Ever

    Considering the amount of time, effort and money the big bad beasties of Hollywood have to put together a stunning window into the house of their creation, there’s no excuse for a bad poster. And as our nursery school teacher always told us, abject humiliation is the only way people learn. So here, for your viewing pleasure, is our pick of the top ten worst movie posters of all time.

  • Top 10 Movie Actors in Video Games

    Video games are big business and they’re raking in the A-list movie actors. Have you spotted Vin Diesel, Bill Murray, Christopher Walken or Martin Sheen in a video game near you? We have. Best For Film saves you the hard work by pimping the top 10 movie actors in video games today.

  • The King’s Speech

    In the wake of critical and commercial successes such as The Queen and The Young Victoria, director Tom Hooper has taken on one of the most obscure dramas in recent British royal history – the titanic struggle which King George VI faced whenever he was called upon to speak in public. In doing so, he has categorically made the best film of both his own and Colin Firth’s career. The King’s Speech is perfect.

  • Six Actresses Who Could Play Buffy The Vampire Slayer

    The Buffy reboot is happening, and while we think this bites the time has come (I think there was a memo) to give up on objectivity. As such, may I present Best or Film’s completely subjective guide to who might make a half-decent vampire slayer. Should you be a true Whedonite the following list will seem insane, controversial and completely without fruit. The harsh reality is, however, Natalie Portman is probably busy and Megan Fox is a much likelier choice even if she wasn’t, anyway. It’s like a whole big sucking thing, and this is the best we could do.

  • Write Christmas competition

    Enter our marvellous Write Christmas competition! Bored of the same old Hollywood Christmas movies? Us too. Best For Film are launching an epic writing competition this festive season – we want you to write a review of the greatest Christmas film never made.1st prize is £100 and your imagined movie made real with a one-off poster by the mind-blowing design team who brought you The Hurt Locker, In the Loop, The Last Exorcism posters and more. VOTING IS NOW CLOSED!