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  • SHORTLIST: The Wrong Kind Of Snow

    “This year the snow’s going up…”
    Many critics say that the London Gangster movie is the last gasp of a dying genre, but Director Ray Burdis breathes new life into it with this sharp, thoughtful comedy/drama that will have you by turns laughing and crying as it takes us on a journey through a family using the spirit of Christmas for redemption while suffering the accidental effects of cocaine.

  • SHORTLIST: Twelve

    If you thought Se7en was scary and spine-chilling then wait until you see David Fincher’s new offering Twelve. Fincher revisits the thriller/horror genre in this film to great effect. The backdrop of a twinkly Christmas against the twisted acts of a serial killer will leave you feeling very unsettled indeed.

  • SHORTLIST: Jihad All The Way

    “Don’t shoot- he has mince pies!” A film entitled “Jihad All The Way” was always going to ruffle a few feathers, but writer and director Chris Morris (the man behind BrassEye and Four Lions) is no stranger to controversy! Did the film live up to the hype, or were the hundreds of PC protesters who braved the snow to wave soggy cardboard around worrying about nothing?

  • SHORTLIST: Snakes On A Sleigh

    Ever the risk-taker, Tarantino hasn’t so much pushed the boundaries of cinema with Snakes On A Sleigh as squashed them flat. 54% of test audience members reportedly fainted, and three critics were taken to hospital in a catatonic state after it screened at Cannes.