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  • Dream Home

    Social satire clashes with extreme violence in this vicious slasher film from Hong Kong. A strong sense of black humour runs throughout, but the fact that 3 people out of an audience of 10 left before halfway through the screening tells you all you need to know about the killings on offer in this asian horror.

  • Santa spotted in London!

    To celebrate the imminent release of Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale, the one and only Santa came to town! Prepare to take back everything you thought you knew about our favourite festive figure…..

  • Salon des Refusés

    The Salon des Refusés is a brand new London-based festivalette seeking to provide a space for short film makers who are, for whatever reason, rejected from larger events. We went along to the launch screening at Bermondsey’s marvellous Shortwave cinema and found a parade of cinematic oddities unlike anything we’d ever seen.

  • Bah Humbug! Films in need of some Christmas cheer.

    Some movies are just plain miserable. Presenting bleak and morbid subject matter, these films delight in depressing. This is all very unseasonal, and here are our suggestions of how to bring some festive fun back to the most upsetting movies we have seen. Although some (not many!) of these have happy endings, they are still a pretty tough ride…

  • Chico & Rita

    This enchanting Spanish film displays the passion, love and heartbreak of its story through a unique artistic expression and an immersing musical experience. Chico & Rita is beautiful.