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  • Tolca Mama

    Being shown as part of the UK Jewish film festival. Tolca Mama is a short film that gently explores one man’s grieving process during the final moments with his mothers ashes.

  • QUIZ! Which Harry Potter Character Are You?

    Sure, sure, you reckon you’ve got this “magical world” thing pretty much figured out – you’re more of a Ron than a Hermione, more a Boggart than a Grindylow, and you’re definitely closer to a Hagrid than a Dumbledore (no offence). But have you ever really put this horrifying presumption to the test? Take our quiz to discover the truth about your magical personality, and be warned – muggle types need not apply.

  • Unstoppable

    ‘This is a film about a runaway train.’ The previous sentence is true, but it completely fails to capture the essential magnificence of Unstoppable so we’re going to try another sentence. ‘This is a film directed by Tony ‘Top Gun’ Scott in which Malcolm X and James T Kirk have to drive a train 80mph – in reverse – in order to chase down a half-mile long locomotive missile before it mashes an entire city.’ Yeah, that’s more like it.