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    Screened as part of the UK Jewish Film Festival, is a documentary exploring a unique socio-cultural dilemma in modern Israel. In ultra-orthodox Bnei Brak, the traditional Haredi Jewish community live for the most part without the internet. In a society where it was until recent times, illegal to even print the words ’email’ or ‘internet’ in a newspaper, can an advertising executive convince a Haredi Rabbi that it’s time for things to move into the 21st century?

  • WIN: 3 x JUSTIFIED season 1 DVD boxsets

    Justified is a relentless US action drama based on a modern-day lawman who takes a harsh Wild West approach to his battling of criminals and corrupt officials. We’ve got 3 DVD boxsets of Justified season one to give away! Competition ends 18 December 2010

  • Skyline

    Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem directors return with SFX-soaked alien invasion tale. Not only the worst film of the year, this is possibly one of the worst films to have ever hit cinemas. The actors seem to sleepwalk through a script that is not worth the beermat it’s scribbled on, and even the admittedly spectacular effects cannot save this shockingly derivative film from the tasteless direction of its creators.