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  • Duncan Vicat-Brown

    Duncan Vicat-Brown

    Described variously as a ‘turd’ by Ellie Goulding and ‘lovely stuff’ in, not his words, the words of Shakin’ Stevens. He famously ‘wasn’t that bothered’ by The Human Centipede, but did have nightmares about both The Cottage and Planet Terror during a Greek holiday when he ate too much feta. He has a fantastic and lengthy Transformers 2 rant that you probably need to hear, and actually quite likes Alien 3, even though you can’t tell who’s who.

  • Richard Parkin

    Richard Parkin

    I’m Richard. I enjoy walking down the street listening to music and pretending it’s a soundtrack to a film being made about me. I also pretend to be into really classic, impressive sounding films ( I’ve watched one Fellini film, don’t you know) when friends and family really know I am a small child trapped in a (young) man’s body and cry at the end of Toy Story 3. But it was beautiful, God Dammit, BEAUTIFUL.

  • Deirdre Savage

    Deirdre Savage

    Deirdre Savage is a small girl in a big city. Hailing from the lovely little town of Limerick in Ireland she enjoys reading, writing, film and everything else you’re meant to put on your C.V. Her more interesting hobbies include juggling fire and she recently took up the violin, much to her housemates’ despair. A graduate from the University of Limerick with a BA in New Media and English and no possible comprehension of what she’s meant to do with it she up and left her little island to come to the big smoke to try to write some stuff about films.

  • Kob Monney

    Kob Monney

    Kob Monney is a graduate of Film and English at the University of East Anglia. Since moving back home to live in London he’s been procrastinating, mainly by watching films, films and more films. He wants to write screenplays but he hasn’t figured out how awesome he wants the script to be. If he’s not watching films he’s probably reading about them; if he’s not doing that then he’s probably dreaming about them and if he’s not doing that… well, he’s probably writing about them on this site.

  • Sarah Louise Dean

    Sarah Louise Dean

    I’m an ex Psych grad (and lawyer). When not stalking Jake Gyllenhaal (“Oh yes, he will be mine, he WILL be mine”), stuffing my face with food (Reese’s peanut butter cups please) or praying for the next non-awful romcom, you’ll find me excessively using parentheses. I bet you can’t show me a time travel movie that isn’t fanbrilliastic. I love Studio Ghibli and Marion Cotillard. But ultimately, Weasley is my king.

  • Mark Eccleston

    Mark Eccleston

    Mark Eccleston is a bona fide film critic. He currently writes reviews for Glamour magazines, with additional broadcast work and articles for Sky News, 5 News, Radio 4 (Front Row), Radio 3 (Night Waves), Radio 5 (Kate Silverton Show) and The World Service (The Strand). He could go on, but is too humble to do so.

  • David Upton

    David Upton

    David Upton studies film, he writes about film, he talks about film, and when he’s not doing that he occasionally watches a movie. He particularly enjoys pretending he understands French films without subtitles and anything to do with Emma Stone. He knows far too much about the Oscars and not enough about Chevy Chase. Lists are his life force, which is why he thanks this website for letting him write for it, because otherwise he would most certainly expire.

  • Beth Glanvill

    Beth Glanvill

    Like to imagine I’m the lovechild of Robert De Niro and Anjelica Huston. Bristol native, but the accent only comes out after lots of cider. Henceforth, I mainly drink vodka and talk pretentiously about film to my friends and get all hot under the collar when a good debate ensues. I’m another Film and English graduate with a hatred for the unnecessary remake. I love Tarantino, Shane Meadows, and wish I could go back in time to meet Kes.

  • Sophie Worrell

    Sophie Worrell

    Sophie is my name and I like films! In particular, I like Sci-fi and Superhero films. I am a self-confessed Lord of the Rings enthusiast, much to the dismay of my housemates. I like to couple my film watching with Chinese food, ice-cream and doughnuts, as well as regular intervals in which I like to dance on the table to High School Musical! I’m a Zefron fan and proud! This is all.

  • Harry Harris

    Harry Harris

    I’m Harry, a city-boy in a country-boy’s body… or perhaps the other way around. I’ve spent the last three years doing a degree in Film & American Studies, surprisingly not a degree employers are queuing up for. Nevertheless, I plough forward undeterred! These days I spend my time listening to folk music, drinking tea and trawling through Werner Herzog’s back catalogue to see if he’s made a film that doesn’t involve an animal acting mental… sometimes all at once.