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  • Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen

    So it’s two years since the evil Megatron’s death, and Optimus Prime, the other Autobots and the significantly less exciting humans have been going about their business as usual. What could disturb this harmonious bliss? Why, the discovery of a Transformer so bloomin’ evil he makes Megatron look like a Bosch iron. The Fallen – the lost brother of the Transformers – is preparing for battle on Earth And believe us, his battle is extremely explodey.

  • G-Force

    It’s been left up to Disney to challenge our hackneyed beliefs by presenting us with a bunch of spies that take the form of… wait for it, you’ll love it… Guinea pigs! Yeah, those infanticidal, hooting, air-sniffing pigs. As spies. It’s a one-note joke that’s taken to the extreme – Pixar would’ve made an idea like that into a witty ten minute short. Here, it’s 90 minutes long, and generally one ninth as entertaining, too.

  • The 5 Lessons Hollywood Teaches Kids About Life

    There’s a lot to worry about when it comes to the delicate, supple young minds of our children. But rather than bubblewrapping the family computer and locking the shed, maybe we should look a bit deeper into what kids films tell our children about life. We’ve examined (in great, hasty detail) the classic films kids love to watch and we must say, the results are urine-inducing…

  • Baby Bowie Wins Best Directorial Debut

    40 years after his dad released ‘Space Oddity’, David Bowie’s son is making his own name in sci-fi with his film Moon. The rather sensibly named Duncan Jones won not only Best Picture, but Best Directorial Debut at the British Independent Film Awards this year, showing that talent certainly runs in the family.

  • Di Caprio To Star As Jack Frost

    No one who watched Titanic could forget the image of Leo Di Caprio sinking to his icy death. It seems that now, there’s no fear of any of us forgetting that picture. Leo is to star in a new animated feature The Guardians as Jack Frost, the traditional folk-lore bringer of ice.

  • Following the Piper…

    Hollywood loves drawing on twisted old fables for inspiration, so perhaps it was inevitable that the traditional tale of the Pied Piper and his irresistible music would one day charm its way onto the big screen. However, according to the developers- Persistent Entertainment, Pantry Films and Zenescope Entertainment – the story is getting a serious 21st century kick in the pants.

  • Directorial Flap Over Birds Remake

    Not content with desecrating the legacy of such horror classics as The Wicker Man, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Hitchcock’s own Psycho, Hollywood is now setting out to turn The Birds into yet another lifeless, pointless, remake.