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  • New Avatar Trailer Blows Our Tiny Minds

    OK, so over the past few days we might have been skeptical about Avatar. It’s only natural, cynical buggers that we are, that when a big-ol’ hoohar is made of a new film our shackles tend to go up. The louder the fanfare, we find, the damper the squib.

  • 2012

    The Mayans have spoken, and what they say is that we’re screwed. Cue the effects budget (and sideline sense – if the Mayans knew that much about the future they wouldn’t have got slaughtered by the Conquistadors now, would they?)

  • Law Abiding Citizen

    When we had finished watching Law Abiding Citizen, we had just one question. What is it with Scottish actors and the American accent? Seriously, first up there was Ewan MacGregor, sounding like he was talking with a mouth full of nails in Deception. You’d have thought Hugh Jackman (who like most Australians has some pretty convincing Yank speak) would have taken him aside and given a few words of advice. Admittedly they were both probably avoiding eye contact in the hope that if they didn’t look at one another they might awake from the nightmare of starring in the worst erotic thriller since Ernest Goes to Jail.

  • Thor To Star Everyone In Hollywood

    Well, pretty much. Lately, it seems like you can’t go two minutes without some Hollywood star-or-other announcing they’re set to appear in Thor, the upcoming film of the popular Marvel strip. With with so many names being bandied about we thought it was high time someone sat down and collated all the info together.

  • 44 Inch Chest Looking Impressive

    Sneaking under the radar to a cinema near you on December 4th is 44 Inch Chest. Some jaded souls might groan at the prospect of another addition to the long link of Brit gangster flicks, but this is no Guy Ritchie knock-off, oh nosiree Bob. This one’s got pedigree. Breeding, like.

  • Greenlight Ahoy: Five Troy McClure Movies We Really Want To See

    Hi! I’m not Troy McClure. You might remember me from other such features as “Top 10 Aimless 80’s Nostalgia Trips” and “Waffling On About Something Irrelevant That Causes Me Disproportionate Anger”. Now, let’s stroll together down a list of the great Mr. McClure’s oft-name dropped movies, and see which ones should be jammed into production like a fish in a sock.

  • Call of Duty Called to the Box Office

    The title says it all, really. It was bound to happen, especially when you look at the numbers. Released on November 10th, the multi-platform video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 sold 4.7 million units in the first 24 hours of release in UK and US alone – considering the game is about £40 a pop and that’s near-as-dammit to £200 million in less than a day.