Articles Posted in the " Hot Fuzz " Category

  • 12 Days of Christmas #7 – BFF’s Top 7 Swimming Swans

    FINALLY! It may be only day 7 of our Christmas countdown, but we’re diving into the sherry because it’s the last of the bloody bird-related ones. Do you have any idea how hard it is to be funny about twenty-three sort-of birds over the course of a week? No wonder we’ve ended up writing about such tenuous nonsense. Still, take heart – Christmas is just a few days away and there will be maids for you tomorrow. Until then, Christmas swans ’til death!

  • Top 10 Cults in Film

    Cults! Can’t live with ’em, can’t run away from ’em without being burnt alive as a human sacrifice to the pleasure gods. Over the years, cults – with all their hifalutin child eating and wicker brandishing – have inspired many a filmmaker to get their crazy deeds up on the big screen. And, as seen most recently in Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master, they’re still hot stuff. So, in honour of the release of PTA’s film, but mainly because BY THE BEARD OF THE HARVEST GOD we love a good sacrificial killing, BFF presents you with the Top Ten Cults in Film. Warning: contains boobs and fire, obviously.

  • News Round-Up Jan 25th-28th

    It’s Saturday morning – you’d planned to get up early and make the most of the day, but instead you hid under the covers until quarter to eleven like a shut-in with a passion for snuggliness. You’re such a failure. But never mind – if you’re not going to experience the world first-hand, you can just catch up on the best of the week’s movie news with our regular round-up!

  • Cheat Sheet: Olivia Colman

    Is there anyone in the world who doesn’t adore Olivia Colman? Yes, there is. Her old Gap employer. Because she kept telling customers to go and buy jeans from John Lewis. BOOM. Already you’ve learnt a thing about Olivia Colman. THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING.