Articles Posted in the " remakes " Category

  • 5 remakes that are better than their originals

    Ah, the much whipped remake. Announcements of remakes more often than not get hackles up, heads shaking and tongues tutting. Dismissed before they’re released, judged before they’re seen, doomed forever to live in the shadow of their older sibling. But should they? With the news that Chloe Moretz is heading up the Carrie remake, we’ve decided to get all OPTIMISM on this thing.

  • Very Lost In Translation: the 5 US remakes we didn’t need

    With David Fincher’s remake/adaptation of Girl With The Dragon Tattoo about to hit our screens, and the rumour mill about an English adaptation of the Old Boy going into overdrive, we thought it was the perfect time to remind everyone of the horrors of Getting The Remake Wrong. There are many, many re-workings that never should have been attempted, but heck we’re all busy, so in the name of convenience we’ve handily we’ve whittled it down to the top 5 we’ll never forgive…