Articles Posted in the " The Faculty " Category

  • Friday Drinking Game #79 – Alien Invasions

    It’s TGIF, people! And as such, we at BFF have devised another cunning way for you to get off-your-rocker-hammered with a Friday Drinking Game that is devoted whole heartedly to our alien neighbors. Not the mind-your-business-and-we’ll-mind-ours variety but the kind that has a bit of a hard-on for invasion. Seems fitting really, seeing as both The Host and Dark Skies are now on show at a cinema near you.

  • Top 5 cinematic outcasts

    If there’s one thing that The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has given us (and I’m including both the Swedish original and David Fincher’s recent blockbuster when I say this) it’s a new Goth poster-girl for the 21st century. Lisbeth Salander has not only shown the world that girls with ropey piercings and Misfits haircuts are hot, it’s that they can kick ass as well.

  • Kaboom

    Coming-of-age sex thriller sci-fi comedy horror [insert genres here ad infinitum] Kaboom is a chronic mess, taking the seeds of two or three respectable films and frantically ramming them together until ninety minutes of contrived teenagery garbage squirt out the middle and leave a stain on your cardy. Avoid.