Articles Posted in the " The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo " Category

  • Psalm 21

    Psalm 21 seems to be a film that was born after someone discovered a new button on Adobe After Effects: the scary grey face button. After finding this fun new special effect, the filmmakers then crowbarred the plot around it; oh, it’s a film about the evils of religion? No problem, we can give people scary grey faces and it will be a metaphor or something.

  • Norwegian Wood

    Director Anh Hung Tran adapts Haruki Murakami’s bestseller into an entrancing vision of teenage angst. Drawn together by a shared tragedy two young people forge a painful and potentially destructive bond in 1960s Tokyo.

  • Foreign films that should’ve stayed foreign

    It’s all too easy, with a little bit of education in the matter of the movies, to become a film snob. An art house film here, a B-movie there, and suddenly you find yourself sneering at the current box office offerings, and assuming a taste for obscure Hong Kong horror shorts. Maybe you start wearing ironic, postmodern t-shirts, like Che Guevara wielding a light sabre. And oh, how you hate it when the soul sucking devils over in Hollywood-town remake one of your classics, the one you’ve seen nearly one and a half times!

  • Cheat Sheet: David Fincher

    His films have grossed more than $1.5 billion. He’s just won a Golden Globe and will probably go on to win an Oscar next month. His beard is unbearably, inexplicably sexy. You should definitely know more than you do about David Fincher, and we’re here to help…