Articles Posted in the " the Wicker Man " Category

  • Top 5 films that expose the global feminist conspiracy

    It’s International Men’s Day today, and (despite the fact that Best For Film’s writing team is about 70% female) we’re taking a stand. For TOO LONG, we’ve stood by while the feminist cabals that rule Hollywood have taken a noble art form – an art form invented by men, goddammit – and used it to peddle their misandrist agenda. Best For Film is speaking up for the forgotten sex. PENISES FOREVER!

  • Top 10 Scottish Films

    In celebration of Burns Night, we at Best for Film have compiled our favourite Scottish films, whether they be set in Scotland, or made by Scottish directors, all these films have made a name for themselves internationally as well as domestically, proving that Scotland has a rich cinematic history. In no particular order, these films are all worthy of a watch, or a second watch if you’ve already seen them. With so much to be patriotic about, ol’ Rabbie Burns would be proud.

  • Top 10 Cults in Film

    Cults! Can’t live with ’em, can’t run away from ’em without being burnt alive as a human sacrifice to the pleasure gods. Over the years, cults – with all their hifalutin child eating and wicker brandishing – have inspired many a filmmaker to get their crazy deeds up on the big screen. And, as seen most recently in Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master, they’re still hot stuff. So, in honour of the release of PTA’s film, but mainly because BY THE BEARD OF THE HARVEST GOD we love a good sacrificial killing, BFF presents you with the Top Ten Cults in Film. Warning: contains boobs and fire, obviously.

  • News Round-Up Jan 25th-28th

    It’s Saturday morning – you’d planned to get up early and make the most of the day, but instead you hid under the covers until quarter to eleven like a shut-in with a passion for snuggliness. You’re such a failure. But never mind – if you’re not going to experience the world first-hand, you can just catch up on the best of the week’s movie news with our regular round-up!

  • Top 10 worst horror remakes

    Following up on our list of best horror remakes, guest blogger Richard has bitten the bullet and sat through some of the worst. Reading this blog may be cause for a little sympathetic squirming; still, at least you’ll never have to feel the real pain of seeing a classic defiled. Tedium. Silliness. Irrelevance – these films have em all!