Articles Posted in the " The Witches of Eastwick " Category

  • Top 5 films that expose the global feminist conspiracy

    It’s International Men’s Day today, and (despite the fact that Best For Film’s writing team is about 70% female) we’re taking a stand. For TOO LONG, we’ve stood by while the feminist cabals that rule Hollywood have taken a noble art form – an art form invented by men, goddammit – and used it to peddle their misandrist agenda. Best For Film is speaking up for the forgotten sex. PENISES FOREVER!

  • Top 5 witches in film

    The best role model for a girl child is a witch. This is true. Nowhere else in film is so solely the preserve of excellent, kick-ass ladies; no other character trope so thoroughly and utterly dominated by clever, fierce, complicated women who get things done and get them done their way. And they are funny. And they are cool. And they dress well. And they are- some of them- pretty brilliantly evil, proper villains, proper, Halloweeny, haunty villains worth fighting. There’s something to aim for, girl-children, on this Halloween night: be worth fighting. The best role model for a girl child is a witch, and here are five of our favourites.