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  • Ray Thompson

    Ray Thompson

    Ray Thompson had the good fortune to be born during the dying days of the premiership of Margaret Thatcher, and claims not to remember the evening of the first Oscar ceremony of his life (Rain Man won, work it out). Being a youth during the all the booms, he emerged into legal adulthood in time for the big bust and release of There Will Be Blood. He maintains that all of these things, and most of his life, have been mere coincidence. That’s as deep as this brief bio will go, alas!

  • JLSB Sirisena

    JLSB Sirisena

    …also commonly known as Megan, is a filmaholic. The addiction began innocently enough: a few episodes of Transformers here, a couple of Fraggle Rock specials there and then a descent into a Duckula marathon; soon it all spiraled out of control and now encompasses a myriad of violent action movies, terrible horror flicks, startling animations and plenty of sci-fi and fantasy. The compulsion drew her into an Undergraduate degree where she majored in Film, Television and Media Studies, which she is still looking to put to good use.

  • Nina Scott

    Nina Scott

    Nina is a happy-go-lucky Geordie who once accidentally ran like a chicken on Byker Grove. She goes through stages of obsessively wanting to watch every film ever made but then realises there just isn’t enough time. She desperately tried to find a use for her Film and Television Studies degree when she graduated three years ago, and is still looking. Nina also enjoys quoting 90s British sitcom Spaced at any opportunity or cost.

  • Sarah Deen

    Sarah Deen

    Sarah graduated from the University of Surrey in 2011 with a degree in Law, but then thought “stuff that” and opted for a career in film journalism. She spent 18 months contributing to the Film, Music, TV, Lifestyle and Showbiz channels on Metro Online until December 2012. When Sarah isn’t flogging popcorn at her local cinema or writing for Best For Film she dabbles in writing screenplays and obsessing over Christoph Waltz.

  • Marianne Levi

    Marianne Levi

    Philosophy graduate, the best recorder and tin whistle player you will ever meet apart from incredibly determined buskers, currently working in the worst job for the waistline but best job in every other sense in a city wine bar and cheese shop. Food and drink obsessive, brewer’s girlfriend/assistant and trained sommelier. Films are quite good too.

  • Emma Brooke

    Emma Brooke

    Hailing from ‘the North’, Emma grew up drinking too much tea and kissing boys in the back of cinemas. Realising these pastimes had limited future earning potential, she moved to London to seek her fortune by obtaining a degree in Philosophy. Five years later, she is still waiting for the position of ‘Resident Philosopher’ to pop up on Guardian Jobs. She now lives in Tokyo, where she writes for local English lifestyle magazines and, unable to speak Japanese, attempts to communicate through the art of mime.

  • Shrek Forever After revives UK Box Office

    It’s been a summer drought which has left film-lusters like us weeping into our Back To The Future comfort blankies. For a whole month, no opening film has grossed more than £4 million. This has been due to a number of things; the World Cup, the glorious un-British sunshine, as well as because, well, the films out at the moment are a bit crud. But it looks like Shrek 4 has changed all that.

  • Natasha Hodgson

    Tash Hodgson was born shortly after L Ron Hubbard died, which is irrelevant. She spends her time relentlessly promoting the things she does, and, to a certain extent, doing the things she promotes. Give her loads of money forever and one day you too can know The Answer.

  • John Underwood

    I’m John, and I seem to edit this corner of the Internet. When I’m not being called a “knobhead” by Nick Frost, mistaking Meg Ryan for that other one or adding curlicues to the Best For Film coat of arms, I like collecting small model elephants and selflessly risking life, limb and liver in my endless quest to find London’s cheapest bottle of wine. If I ever meet Nicolas Cage things will probably get quite awkward.

  • Studio Ghibli new trailer online!

    Studio Ghibli, the company responsible for wonderful animations such as Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle and Ponyo have revealed a teaser trailer for their newest creation; Borrower Arrietty. And, once again, it looks rather freakin beautiful.