Articles Posted in the " Best Foreign Film prize " Category

  • Peepli [Live]

    It’s a sorry state of affairs when you realise you’re worth more dead than you are alive. It’s even worse when your own brother acts as your spokesperson, selling you down the river without giving you so much as a bodyboard to keep youself afloat. And who was it who said that blood was thicker than water? Peepli [Live], a comic satire, explores the notion of “farmer suicides” and how the media can expose a serious issue and turn it into a speculative event until everyone’s talking about it.

  • Tom Hanks To Remake Summer House

    If there’s one word we’re definitely not getting sick of, it’s ‘re-make’. Tom Hanks seems to have jumped upon the band wagon, having announced today that his company PlayTone Productions plans to remake a french film entitled Summer Hours. And the best part? The film only came out in 2008. What’s next? We wouldn’t be surprised if tomorrow there’s an announcement telling us there’s planned re-make of Burton’s Alice In Wonderland underway.