Articles Posted in the " legend " Category

  • Lizzy T in online engagement denial

    Take back that John Lewis gift card and cancel that suit-fitting. Despite strong rumours to the contrary last week, marriage-addict Dame Elizabeth Taylor has denied that she is to wed her manager Jason Winters. In equally as shocking news, Taylor, 78, announced her non-engagement via that well known pensioner-friendly website, Twitter. The mind truly boggles.

  • 5 Famous Stories Disney Stole (And Made Significantly Less Depressing)

    God, life is rubbish isn’t it? It’s cold, you’re unattractive, that umbrella you nicked has been nicked off you (how dare they) and you’re really really unattractive.At least we can count on Disney – unstoppable global terror that it is – to provide us with some respite. But even big dog Disney needs inspiration. And a lot of the time, inspiration comes from existing tales, from history, from myths, from life itself. And it turns out the Disney version might be spruced up a bit…

  • Centurion

    Watching Neil Marshall’s Centurion is a bit like riding to work on a pack of angry squirrels; it’s not the most efficient of journeys, dear God it’s violent, but there’s no denying that it’s also damn enjoyable.