Search results for "john carpenter"

  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre greatest horror

    How do you judge the greatest horror film ever made? Is it how near you come to running out the room, sweating? Is it the intensity of the nightmares that follow? Or is it the film that sparks off agorophobia? If that is the criteria, then Big Momma’s House gets my vote.

  • Have Remakes Lost the Plot?

    The remake of The Karate Kid is coming out soon and I’m scared. I have visions of myself coming out of the screen a broken woman, feebly humming Joe Esposito’s You’re the Best to myself. The horror of seeing a much loved film pillaged by grasping Hollywood producers is traumatic enough to merit the forming of some sort of support group.

  • Orange(Wednesday)s and Lemons #85

    Yesterday Best For Film was without its traditional Tuesday Cheat Sheet for the first time in more than a year – we simply couldn’t keep up with the concept of ‘having Monday off’, apparently. But don’t worry, routine-lovers! The OWLs are here, ordering you to see slightly more obscure films than you actually want to just like we’ve done ninety-odd times before. And will continue to do until everyone is dead.

  • Dexter Series 5

    In series 5 of cult US drama Dexter, the serial serial killer killing forensic blood spatter analyst (and serial killer, but it doesn’t do to pigeonhole) is on full form with fresh challenges, unexpected emotions and probably some more serial killers to kill. Serially. All in a day’s work, eh?