When it comes to vampire flicks, it seems that all Hollywood has to do is bare its money-spinning neck and audiences around the world will guzzle away. So after almost a century of vampire films, how did the cinematic interpretation move from Nosferatu to the perfectly coiffed Edward Cullen from the Twilight Saga? Will current film releases Stakeland and Priest take us back to a more traditionalist approach? And why are we still even interested?
Have you ever thought, we mean really thought, about Sean Penn? We have. And lo and behold one of us thinks he’s of the Parker fountain Penn of Hollywood, and the other thinks he’s just the biro that the dog has chewed and oh god someone call the vet, it’s choking.
As we launch into the SEVENTH MONTH of weekly OWLing (dear God, we could have solved cancer in that time), a mix of missing regulars and unexpected newbies has spiced up the chatter at Best For Film. What’re you seeing tonight? Don’t even bother trying for your own idea…
We’re getting that Friday feeling once more, and the gloves are off! Fuelling the fires of incoherent webRAGE this week, it’s none other than Michael Bay’s Transformers franchise. Two of our lady writers will be getting their claws out and putting their bitchy faces on as they battle it out! Who will you be rooting for?
A lo-fi gross-out horror without charm, wit or scares, Eaters: Rise Of The Dead does at least achieve one accolade: making partaking in a Nazi-zombie invasion seem preferable to watching a lo-fi gross out horror without charm, wit or scares.
The second feature film from Julie Bertucelli, acclaimed director of Since Otar Left, The Tree stars Award-winning actress Charlotte Gainsbourg, newcomer Morgana Davies, and is based on the much-loved Australian novel, Oh Father Who Art in the Tree by Judy Pascoe.
Dawn (Gainsbourg) and Peter live together with their children in the Australian countryside. In the middle of their garden stands the kids’ favorite playground : a massive Moreton Bay Fig tree, whose branches reach high towards the sky and roots stretch far into the ground.
One day, Peter dies of a heart attack, crashing his car into the tree trunk. Dawn is left alone with her grief and four children to raise. All of them naturally go looking for comfort under their protective tree, which becomes even more present in their lives. The young daughter, Simone (Davies), thinking that her late father whispers to her through the leaves, settles in the tree and refuses to climb down from it. But as the tree is growing unusually big – branches infiltrating the house, roots destroying the foundations, the family will need to make an excruciating decision to be able to go on with their lives…
The Tree stars actress and musician Charlotte Gainsbourg whose previous credits include Alejandro González Iñárritu’s 21 Grams, Todd Haynes’ I’m Not There, Michel Gondry’s The Science of Sleep and Lars Von Trier’s Antichrist, for which she received the Best Actress Award at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.
The Tree will be released in cinemas 5th August 2011
The heavy, unsuitably saucy banners of BFF are once again flying: a new troupe of pen-humpers have joined the mighty battlements and celebrations MUST be had. But how does one express such unadulterated joy? With a two for one trip down the local Vue? RAISE THY GOBLETS, lowly missionaries, and TEXT THY ORANGE WEDNESDAY PROVIDER
The release of Bridesmaids has this week found itself hailed as that rare thing – a female-led comedy. Women are frequently relegated to a supporting role, especially so in comedy, often reduced to simply acting as a foil or counterpart to the male lead. It’s important to remember then, that the ladies can bring the funny. We celebrate the comedy roles that only come double-breasted, as well as the women sporting them so fabulously.
Once again the lanterns of BFF towers have been lit in jubilant celebration. Tis WEDNESDAY, which means badly mixed mojitos, Journey on the kareoke, John falling over his own trousers and, more importantly TWO FOR ONE CINEMA! What can you drag a loved one to this week? No excuses mum, it’s FREE, remember? Read on, dear mortals. Grab a glass, and read on.
It’s Friday, the week is taking its trousers off, and humans worldwide are searching desperately for a reason to get drunk and lairy. Well we’ve got one. Judd Apatow: comedy messiah, or deadbead one-noter? Two of our writers stop talking in nice voices, and instead start throwing their words about like syllable-based rocks. Whose side are you on?
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