WIN: 3 x INK on DVD!

Competition ends 11 May 2011

As the light fades and the city goes to sleep, two forces emerge. They are invisible except for the power they exert over us in our sleep, battling for our souls through dreams. One force delivers hope and strength through good dreams; the other infuses the subconscious with desperation through nightmares. John and Emma, Father and Daughter are wrenched into this fantastical dream world battle, forced to fight for John’s soul and to save Emma from an eternal nightmare.

Critically acclaimed and highly original thriller Ink comes to DVD on 25 April 2011, having garnered a great amount of acclaim and buzz both at festivals and online. The film has been compared with Inception, The Matrix, and Donnie Darko, but is also startlingly unique in its own right.

Hats off to the ambitious Ink team for creating a gloriously immersive fantasy world on a micro-budget: no mean feat for even the most skilled of film-makers. Definitely at the upper end of the indie-spectrum, there is much originality and innovation to admire this surreal tale of one man’s redemption. It’s just a shame the dialogue never quite reaches the same heights as the rest of the production values.

Certificate: 15
Region: 2

Answer this simple question to enter…

In the film, the name ‘Ink’ is short for the name of a mythological creature. What is it?

1. Incubus
2. Succubus
3. Biro


Simply email your answer to [email protected]

Please include your NAME and ADDRESS – otherwise we can’t send you your prize.

Please put INK in the subject title.

NOTE: To enter the competition, please send an email. You do not need to put the answer as a comment. Good luck!

Featured on The Prize Finder – UK Competitions, Loquax Competitions

Competition ends 11 May 2011

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