WIN: CAGED on DVD x 5!

Competition ends 22 April 2011

In war torn Eastern Europe a young nurse named Carole (Zoé Félix) saves valuable lives as part of a humanitarian aid group. Soon her mission will be over and it will be time to return home. But what seems like a short cut to freedom soon turns into a journey of agonising, torturous pain beyond the human threshold…

Just like the gore horror classic Martyrs before it, Caged is gaining notoriety as a stylish, unforgettable and gruesomely relentless example of extreme cinema at its most terrifying.


Where is Caged officially set?

1. Eastern Europe
2. Your deepest, darkest nightmare
3. A small tea shop in Scunthorpe manned by ferocious old dears with blue rinses


Email your answer to the question above to [email protected]

Please include your NAME and ADDRESS – otherwise we can’t send you your prize.

Please put CAGED in the subject title.

NOTE: To enter the competition, please send an email. You do not need to put the answer as a comment. Good luck!

Featured on The Prize Finder – UK Competitions, Loquax Competitions and FREE Sweepstakes and Contest

Competition ends 22 April 2011

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