Christmas gift guide for film fans

It’s that time of year again, Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, Starbucks have started rolling out some awesome corporate-flavoured specials and we’re all inevitably leaving our gift-buying to the last minute.
To make this colossal task a little easier, here you will find some of the most ideal pressies to grace the stocking of the film geek in your life. Included below are some of the coolest box sets on the market, and for those on a budget, the best DVDs for available for under a humble fiver. Cheap as chestnuts. Also included are some non disc-shaped items which will fill the hearts of film fans with festive cheer.
Boxing day – The best DVD sets out there
Nothing is as exciting to a movie addict than a good box set, and here are some of the best out there this Yuletide.
Toy Story 1/2/3 boxset (Amazon, £22.97, released November 22nd)
Literally everyone in the world loves Toy Story, the tale of childhood toys that come to life when no-one is looking to embark on a series of epic adventures. This box set comprises the whole series, which has to be one of the most consistently brilliant trilogies in the history of animation. Heart warming, hilarious, and suitable for any age, this would even tease a grin out of old uncle Scrooge.
Hitchcock boxset (Amazon £15.29)
Alfred Hitchcock is one of the most renowned directors to have ever lived, and this box set includes 14 of his works, spanning his career from 1930s early works such as Saboteur, to later films such as Family Plot. This really is a bargain, with Psycho, The Birds and the incredible Rear Window being worth the asking price alone. Add in fascinating single take crime movie Rope and classic The Man Who Knew Too Much, and here you have a perfect gift for film history buffs, or just those who enjoy a good old fashioned nail biter.
Kubrick box set (amazon £16.99)
Few directors are as universally respected as Stanley Kubrick, and this set incorporates his influential work across many genres – 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining and Full Metal Jacket need no introduction, and the notorious A Clockwork Orange is also here showcasing the talents of an extraordinary filmmaker. This is a must for anyone who wants these seminal titles to show off at the front of the DVD shelf.
The Ultimate Hammer Collection (amazon £34.47)
For all horror aficionados, this is a collection of pure genre classics – all presented in a box which might just be the most awesome looking on the list. This is a slice of horror history, and will not only take pride of place on the shelf, but will guarantee sleepless nights until at least Easter.
Budget DVDs
For those of us looking to save our pennies, fear not, for there are a great deal of great films out there, available on DVD for less than that crumpled old £5 note that’s got caught up in your wallet with your Lidl receipts and Budgens coupons.
Naked Gun Trilogy (Amazon £4.99)
Dead-pan Leslie Nielsen is a comedy legend, best remembered for this cracking trilogy of police spoofs. The jokes come so fast that the films will need watching several times to catch them all, and this box set is an absolute giveaway at £4.99. “Bingo!”
Let The Right One In (Zavvi, £4.95)
Recently remade as Let Me In – the original version of this vampire classic should not be forgotten. Give a world cinema fan the chance to enjoy this Swedish Chiller, and let them rant about how it does not deserve to be overshadowed by Hollywood’s 2010 treatment.
Stand By Me (Zavvi, £3.85)
Another film that everyone in the Western world should see and love, this is one of those films whch finds its way onto so many people’s favourite films list, and is a fine adaptation of a great source, Stephen King’s novella The Body. This film has aged exceptionally, as the themes dealt with here are truly timeless.
Moon (Zavvi, £4.85)
Moon is one of the films of the decade, and is sure to be remembered for years to come when discussing great moments in science fiction. An excellent central turn from Sam Rockwell combined with Duncan Jones’ slick, imaginative direction make this essential viewing, and for this price tag will be a welcome addition under the tree for any cinema fan.
District 9 (Zavvi, £4.95)
Another acclaimed recent film, and once more a fine example of non-Hollywood cinema. By turns an engaging social commentary and a thrilling action movie, This is another DVD which should find its way down the chimney this christmas.
Miscellaneous wonderful gifts
Not everything in the stocking should be on disc, as soon enough all films will be delivered by the medium of hologram, iphone apps, or beamed directly into our brains in glorious high definition by means of surgically attached antennae, so it’s always worth mixing it up. DVD’s are famously the least challenging thing to wrap up, but if you want to leave your comfort zone, these items will make great stocking fillers. All those shiny discs will only confuse Grandma and end up being used as coasters for a nice calming cup of tea anyway.
1001 Movies to see before you die. (Thebookpeople £16)
Steven Jay Schneider’s annual publication is always an interesting read, and a worthy addition to the bookshelf of movie fanatics. Updated with 2010 titles, and with contributions from major critics, this will be on many lists to Santa this year.
Read a great movie (Thebookpeople, £9.99)
The novel versions of ten famous films, this collection has something for everybody. Sci Fi fans will enjoy Phillip K Dicks works Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? (Blade Runner) and Minority Report (actually a series of short stories) Also to be found here are film noir classics Double Indemnity and The Maltese Falcon, and more modern blockbusters such as The Bourne Identity. Each of these is a great companion to the film they inspired, and are well worth the asking price, working out at a pound per book.
Tauntaun sleeping bag ( -$99.99)
Perhaps for those with a few more Imperial credits to flash around, this sleeping bag jumps off the awesomeness scale. Any Star Wars superfan will be safely protected from the terrible conditions on ice planet Hoth in what may be the most desirable bedding item in the Galactic Empire. “And I thought these things smelt bad on the outside!”.
Hopefully this will ensure a more relaxed build up to the Christmas period, with no need to be rampaging through the crowds on Christmas eve like Arnie in Jingle All The Way. No need to thank us! Well, just an express delivery of 7 TaunTaun sleeping bags will do. Just for our friends, you understand…
Desperate for more Christmas inspiration? Take a look at our other festive scribblings:
Ultimate top 10 Christmas Movie Classics
Christmas films coming out in 2010… sort of.
What you’ll be watching this Christmas… whether you want to or not
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