Short Film of the Week: The Big Thing

Multiple award-winning The Big Thing is a witty little take on the story of Adam and Eve and thanks to a chance meeting in 18th century Paris it has possibly the most lush production values in short film history. Peruse it now!

How the hell did you end up making this demented (though useful) Film Short?

I was post-supervising a big fancy commercial for one of our nation’s beer companies (an important thing here in Canada), and was on lunch on another sound-stage with one of the big-shots of the place when he said “you could shoot a short here if you’d like”. Which was nuts, obviously, because it was a multi-million dollar set of Paris from the 1880’s three stories high… complete with interiors, exteriors and a full city block. How could anyone say ‘no’ to that kind of offer?

Short Film - The Big Thing

Short Film - The Big Thing

Best short film-making experience?

The best experience of making the film was working with an excellent crew and cast! You may recognize Rachelle Lefevre from her more recent work including the Twilight films, Robin Wilcock from 300, and of course Andrew Simms and the rest of the cast did such an amazing job; they make me look really good.

Worst short film-making experience?

The worst experience was the afterparty for the Genies (TBT was nominated for Canada’s version of the Oscars for 2005). Following on the heels of a somewhat over-enthusiastic but ill-conceived idea to try to turn the short into a TV series a la Buffy, someone from the film bad-mouthed me in front of a very famous filmmaker who had just won the night. Given the time and place I was not in a position to defend myself, so I had to suck it up and call it a night. Quite a downer at the end of a lovely experience.

Film projects in the pipeline?

My first feature is on Canadian Pay Television (Super Channel) at the moment. It’s called Sheltered Life, a contemporary reworking of the revenge drama set in a Canadian women’s shelter. Please look it up on IMDB for more information & bug your national tv networks and stations to buy it! My next feature is a comedy called Flapjack. I’ve just teamed up with a co-producer and am looking forwards to casting the film over the next couple of seasons. If you’re interested you can check my website for updates on its status. Wish me luck!

If we wanted to stalk you, how would we do it?

I guess my website’s the best place to find stuff about me: Search my name on It has links to all kinds of stuff – including some really nasty reviews of my last film.

Cheers for the mini-interview, Carl. You’re the Big Thing! Best For Film xxx

Are you a short film maker?

If you have a short film on YouTube, get in touch at or nominate it below. We’d love to hear from you – maybe your film short could become our next Short Film of the Week! Spread the word…

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