Articles Posted in the " About Us " Category

  • Kathryn McPherson

    Kathryn McPherson

    HELLO. I’m K-Sket (never Katie) and when I’m not nursing a knitted brow on the Tube reading something far beyond my admittedly mediocre intellect I like Christopher Hitchens, anything Angela Bassett is in and polo (the sort on a horse, not the wet variety with men in trunks, unfortunately), and believe gin can solve any problem. I don’t like Liquorice Allsorts or anything by Wiz Khalifa and my loftiest dream is to reach whatever level of power it is where I can have an assistant named Tarquin.

  • Hannah Lane

    Hannah Lane

    I’m Hannah. I spent the last few years being a media lackey before waking up one morning and crying out “enough of this madness!” Since that momentous moment I have been pondering script ideas and watching too many bad movies (Chernobyl Diaries anyone? The Princess Diaries 2?) When I’m not ranting at anyone who will listen about my opinions on films, dust and life in general, I spend most of my time pretending that I am Rachel Weisz in The Mummy. Why can’t archaeology actually be that much fun?!

  • Tessa Coates

    Tessa Coates

    I have an almost entirely pointless degree in Biological Anthropology, which means I can’t get a real job, but I can identify and classify all the primates – Rafiki is not a baboon for example, he’s a Mandrillus sphinx. Last Christmas I built a four foot tower of Ferrero Rocher and, having fulfilled that lifetime ambition, now spend my time planning a theatrical adaptation of the ‘critically ill-fated and financially disastrous’ film Grease 2.

  • Rayne Wilson

    Rayne Wilson

    Rayne Wilson graduated in 2011 from King’s College London with a degree in Film & American Studies. Graduating was arguably her biggest achievement to date and now, with her best days behind her, she spends the majority of her time in bed eating pop tarts and bemoaning her lost youth. She occasionally leaves her bed long enough to engage in heated debates with other likeminded film bores and write film blogs. You should follow her on Twitter if only to reassure yourself that your life is a lot better than hers. @MsRayneEstelle

  • Alex Mullane

    Alex Mullane

    Alex Mullane is a media graduate who laments his inability to pass his A-Levels first time, which sent him to university in the midst of a recession. Also laments the loss of Robot Wars as a staple of prime-time entertainment.

    Obsessed with film, television and the flavoursome dust at the bottom of Doritos packets, he has contributed words that formed sentences that formed paragraphs that formed articles to several parts of the internet – some of them even coherent. The pop-culture of Abed, the hapless of Louie, and the drunk of McNulty.

  • Bethany Paine

    Bethany Paine

    It’s difficult to write about yourself when you don’t like your job but it occupies most of your waking hours. I like/dislike most of the things that you like/dislike, probably, because it will make our time together a lot less contentious. Walking our dog, making lists, over-thinking the unimportant and looking for a new job are all activities in which I regularly partake.

  • Vincent Kenny

    Vincent Kenny

    My love affair with cinema began when, as a sprightly five-year-old, I visited the cinema for the first time to watch Jurassic Park. I’m not entirely sure what captivated me about that momentous event (one suspects it may have been watching a man get eaten by a T-Rex while on the toilet), but ever since…

  • Eli Andersen

    Eli Andersen

    There are sacred texts one encounters as a child, tomes that come to inhabit every faculty of future existence. Past generations bore witness to the dreams of Spielberg and Lucas. Future filmmakers will speak in hushed voices of the wintry day they sat unassumingly and were touched by the boyish tones of Efron. For me, an unofficial trilogy formed during the mid-1990s that forever changed the face of cinema. On my video shelf. Nicolas Cage unleashed The Rock, Con Air and Face/Off, and in my tiny brain a love was born. Life has continued in this vein.

  • Janina Matthewson

    Janina Matthewson

    Janina has watched films (or ‘movies’ as they’re called in her native New Zealand) for all the years her existence has coincided with the existence of films. She was once killed in a film, which may or may not have been because she was dressed as a mime. All of her opinions are completely made up, but she believes them highly valuable for all that. She tells stories sometimes.