Articles Posted in the " CGI effects " Category

  • The 10 Worst CGI Moments Ever

    CGI can be brilliant when placed in the right hands but, as always, with great power comes great responsibility. While most filmmakers can resist the temptation of overdosing on special effects, there’s a few out there who would quite happily shoot themselves up with as much computer imagery as possible and then lie there in a happy stupor, admiring the monsters they have created. Here are the 10 worst CGI moments ever…

  • 2012: DVD Review

    Regular visitors to Best For Film will know that we’re a little bit sceptical when it comes to films that rely primarily on CGI effects to impress. Add to that we’re not exactly smitten with the oeuvre of serial planet-abuser Roland Emmerich (seriously, the guy’s destroyed the planet so many times he makes Galactus looks like a sulky toddler in a sand pit) and 2012 isn’t exactly the kind of film we usually look forward to

  • Seth McFarlane comedy film in works – Hollywood watch out!

    Having conquered the small screen, it seems that Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane has turned his attention to the big screen with his upcoming debut movie, Ted. Described as a “Hard R” comedy about a man and his teddy bear (yes ladies and gentlemen, you read that right), Ted is rumoured to be a live-action meets CGI movie in the vein of Alvin and the Chipmunks (except miles, miles better of course).

  • The Death of Practical Magic

    CGI effects have revolutionised modern filmmaking to the extent that effects alone can make or break a movie. But is an over-reliance on CGI driving audiences away and cheapening the cinematic experience? We take a look at the computer generated revolution – and how the revolutionaries might soon find themselves in the firing line.