Articles Posted in the " Ghostbusters " Category

  • Top 10 Chat-Up Lines We Learned From The Films

    Heading out on the town tonight and looking to make some new, ahem, “acquaintances”? Not quite as adept with the lingo of love as you’d like to be? Been shot down more times than Boromir in The Lord Of The Rings? Now is not the time to panic, as we’ve done all the hard work for you. After scouring the film database, we’ve pulled out the top 10 chat-up lines that can be applied to any romantic situation, ever ever. So read them. Learn them. Dazzle the opposite sex with them and, when you get laid, send us a box of chocolates. We like chocolates…

  • The 10 Worst CGI Moments Ever

    CGI can be brilliant when placed in the right hands but, as always, with great power comes great responsibility. While most filmmakers can resist the temptation of overdosing on special effects, there’s a few out there who would quite happily shoot themselves up with as much computer imagery as possible and then lie there in a happy stupor, admiring the monsters they have created. Here are the 10 worst CGI moments ever…

  • 10 things sexier on film than in real life

    God, things are sexy, aren’t they? So many things that there are, and all of them sexy. Baths, cooking, pithy conversations in a descending elevator – all you need is Anne Hathaway, some improbably witty back and forth with a chiselled titaniMAN, and boom – fruitful flesh-grappling is in the air. Except, of course, that it never is. Not really.

  • Movie Pirates and Mouldy Popcorn

    Whenever you head to the cinema these days, there’s always an advert asking audiences to be vigilant against video pirates: making sure anyone with a camcorder can’t buckle their swash.The one thread that runs between them all is an emphasis on the value of the ‘cinematic experience’. Pirates, we’re told, are a threat to that experience. Well certainly those big hats must be blocking somebody’s view. But however much we cinema-goers care, or don’t, about internet piracy, we do all care about having a good Saturday night at the movies, whatever picture we see. But how connected, really, are those two things? Is internet piracy really the biggest threat to our cinematic experience, and if not, what else is?