Articles Posted in the " Twelve Monkeys " Category

  • Friday Drinking Game #59 – Time travel

    Everyone loves a time-travel movie. Everyone. It’s the ultimate dream; to be able to flit back through time and tell your younger self to stop after the sixth Jägerbomb; to flit forward in time and find out the lottery numbers; to visit the dinosaurs (ill-advised) or our inevitably dystopian future (iller-advised). Of course, it’s all fantasy, and the fact that it’s impossible causes all sorts of consternation among nerds, who try and puzzle the various internal logics of such films until the wee small hours. Time-travel movies are great; but they’re also bloody confusing.

  • Top 10 Films that Aren’t Christmassy Enough (Yet)

    In the immortal words of Noddy Holder, “IT’S CHRIIISSSSSTTTMAAAAASSS!!”. Well, not quite yet. But it is the first day of December today (we don’t miss a trick here at BFF). And to celebrate, we bring you the top ten films that sound as though they should be about Christmas but really, really aren’t. Luckily, we’ve reinvented all these titles to make them more palatable this Yule.

  • Treacle Jr.

    Every so often you watch a film that you know you’re going to love within the first 5 or 10 minutes. Treacle Jr. is one such film. Funny, poignant, wonderfully acted and making brilliant use of its South London locations, Treacle Jr. is an absolute gem of a film, illustrating once again that you don’t need a Hollywood budget to create brilliant cinema.